Top 100 best Linux Command


Top 100 best Linux Command

Top 100 best Linux command which is helpful for beginners and professional both.

Basic Linux 100 Command :

Symbols  :                                     Function

ls : Lists all the files of a directory.
man : Displays the manual page for the specified command.
mkdir : Creates directory.
more : Displays one output screen at a time.
mv : Renames directories or files.
od : Displays a file content in octal format.
passwd : Set password for a user group.
pwd : Display the current working directory location.
PS1 : Change the prompt name in terminal.
rename : Renames more than one file at once.
rm : Removes a file.
exit :      Exits from the current user group to the last group.
export : Exports shell variables to other shell.
file  :      Displays the type of file.
find :      Finds files for a particular search.
gpasswd : Transfers group membership to another user.
grep :     Filters lines of text containing a certain string.
groupadd : Creates a group.
groupdel : Permanently removes a group.
groupmod : Changes group name.
groups : Displays the group name to which current user belongs to.
rmdir : Removes a directory.
alias :     Converts complex commands into simpler one.
bzip2 / bunzip2 : Compresses a file / Deompress a bzip2 file.
chgrp :  Changes group.
chmod :                Changes permission for a file or directory.
chown : Changes the owner of a file or directory.
chsh :    Changes the shell.
clear :    Clears the terminal.
bzcat / bzmore : Displays files compressed with bzip2.
cal : Displays calendar.
cat : It is a multi-function command.
cd : Changes current working directory.
chage :  Sets an expiration date for a user account.
comm : Compares two streams or files.
cp :         Copies file content from one file to other file.
cut :       Used to display desired column from a file.
date :     Displays current date.
df :         Checks the disk space in system.
echo :    Prints the typed word on terminal.
gzip / gunzip :    Compresses a file / Decompress a gzip file.
head :    Displays first ten lines of a file.
history : Displays older commands from shell command history.
HISTSIZE : Determines the number of commands to be stored in current environment.
HISTFILE : Displays the file that contains the history.
HISTFILESIZE :     Sets the number of commands kept in history file.
id : Tells about the user's id in the system.
less : Displays file content according to the width of the terminal.
locate : Searches a file in the database.
set -o noclobber : Prevents file from getting overwrite.
set +o no clobber : Allows overwriting in existing file.
set -u : Displays undefined variables as error.
set +u : Displays nothing for undefined variable.
set -x : Displays shell expansion.
set +x : Disables shell expansion.
sed : Performs editing in streams.
sleep : Waits for the specified number of seconds.
sort : sorts the content in alphabetical order.
su : Allows a user to run a shell as another user.
sudo : Allows a user to start a program with credentials of another user.
tac : Displays file content in opposite order.
tail : Displays last ten lines of a file.
tar : Compresses a directory.
tee : Puts stdin on stdout and then into a file.
time : Displays time taken to execute a command.
touch : Creates an empty file.
tr : Translates characters.
type : Displays information about command type.
uniq : Sorts and display multi times repeating lines only once.
unset : Removes a variable from shell.
useradd : Adds users.
userdel : Deletes users.
usermod : Modifies the properties of a user.
vi : Opens vi editor to write a program.
w : Displays who is logged on and what are they doing.
wc : Counts words, lines and characters.
who : Tells who is logged on the system.
whoami : Tells the name of the user.
who am i : Displays the line pointing to your current session.
zcat / zmore :     Views the files compressed with gzip.

Linux Symbols

Symbols  :                                     Function

& (ampersand) : Returns the shell prompt back without waiting for the command to finish.
; (semicolon) : Write two or more commands on the same line separated by (;).
$? (dollar question mark) : Exit code of prevoius command is stored in the form of 0 or 1.
|| (double vertical bar) : Represent a logical OR.
&& (double ampersand) : Represent a logical AND.
# (pound sign) : Consider the words typed after it as comment.
\ (escaping special character) : Enable the use of control characters.
*(asterisk) : Generate output matching to the specified * with any number of characters.
? (question mark) : Generate output matching to the specified ? with exaxtly one character.
[] (square brackets) : Generate output matching any number of characters between the [].
!! (bang bang) : Repeat last command in bash.
! (bang) : Repeat commands other than the last one in bash.


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