AWS Interview Questions only


AWS (Amazon Web Service) Interview Questions only

In this Articles we will see Most Important AWS(Amazon web service) interview Questions. Please read full articles if you face any problem regarding this articles so you may leave comment or drop email, within 24 hours you will get reply by our team.

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Q1: What is AWS(Amazon Web Service)?

Q2: What are the key components of AWS?

Q3: How do you secure Amazon EC2 instance surnning within my VPC?

Q4: What is the IP range of defaul VPC?

Q5: How  many default subnets are in default VPC?

Q6: Can you use AWS direct connect or hardware VPN connections to
access VPCs I'm peered with?

Q7: What is IAM Service?

Q8: What happens when I reboot an EC2 instance?

Q9: How you will change the root EBS device of my amazon EC2 instance?

Q10: What is the difference between Amazon SNS and Amazon SQS?

Q11: How to delete files recursively from an S3 bucket?

Q12: How to access/ping as server located on AWS?

Q13: What is the maximum length of a file-name in S3?

Q14: What is Amazon RDS?

Q15: What is maximum value you can set for my backup retention period?

Q16: Is automatice backups are enabled by default for new DB Instance?

Q17: What is MFA in AWS?

Q18: What Amazon VPC?

Q19: What does RRS stand for?

Q20: What is DynamoDB?

Q21: What is ElastiCache?

Q22: What is the AWS key Management Service?

Q23: Explain is AWS WAF?

Q24: What is Amazon EMR?

Q25: Why we use ur VPC?

Q26: Explain is Amazon EC2?

Q27: What is Amazon EC2 instance?

Q28: Describe some features of Amazon EC2?

Q29: What are the differences between Amazon S3 and EC2?

Q30: How many buckets can you create in AWS(Amazon web service)
 by default?

Q31: What is T2 instances?

Q32: What is AWS Data pipeline?

Q33: What are the components of AWS Data Pipeline?

Q34: Do you need an Internet Gateway to use peering connections?

Q35: Can you monitor the network traffice in your VPC?

Q36: What is Amoazon Kinesis Firehose?

Q37: Is it possible to use AWS as a web host? What are the way
of using AWS as web host?

Q38: How step you follow to make 10,000 files as public in S3?

Q39: How the buffer is used in Amazon web services?

Q40: How do you see how much disk space is using by s3 bucket?

Q41: Can you use your existing AMIs in Amazon VPC?

Q42: Is there any bandwidth limitations for peering connections?

Q43: What are the steps to build a custom VPC?

Q44: Why should you use Amazon VPC, Advantage of useing AWS VPC?

Q45: What is C4 instances?

Q46: What is AWS Certificate Manager?

Q47: What is Amazon S3?

Q48: What is AMI(Amoazon Machine Image)?

Q49: What is the relation between an instance and AMI?

Q50: What is Redshift?


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