Difference between Linux and Window Operating System


What is Difference between Linux and Window Operating System?

In this article we will learn about what is difference between Linux operating system and Window operating system.Please read full articles if you face any problem regarding this articles so please leave comments or drop email within 24 hours you will get reply by our team.

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Difference between Linux and Window operating system:


Technically is a kernel. A kernel is the central component of many operating systems. The Linux kernel was first released on 5 October 1991 by Linus Torvalds in Helsinki University Finland. It is Flavor of Unix operating system. It is 64 bits operating system. It is Freeware operating system.


Microsoft Windows is a series of graphical interface operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft. Microsoft introduced an operating environment named Windows on November 20, 1985 as a graphical operating system shell for MS-DOS.


Linux: GNU(General Public Liecense)

Window: Proprietary(Microsoft)


Linux: Linux is developed by Linus Torvalds (Open source).

Window: It is developed by Bill Gates (Microsoft).

User Mode:

Linux: There are two mode in Linux such as CLI and GUI mode.

Window: There are only one mode in Window such as GUI mode.


Linux: C

Window: C, C++, Assembly

Source Code:

Linux: It is a open source operating system.

Window: Source code is closed of Window operating system by Mircosoft.

Login user at a time:

Linux: You can login wiht 7 users at a same time.

Window: You can login only one user in a same time.


Linux: It provides more powerfull security because there are around 70 to 100 virused in linux.

Window: It provides less security because there are more thatn 70,000 virused in window operating system.

File Formats:

Linux: It support 32 file system such as Ext2, Ext3, Ext4, NTFS, JSF, XFS etc.

Window: It support only 3 file system such as Fat16, Fat32, NTFS.

Built-in Administrator:

Linux: Root has previliage to work Everything in Linux operatins system.

Window: Administrator has previliage to work everything in window operating system


Linux: Linux can be installed in wide variety of computer hardware. such Tablet, computers, video game console, supercomputers, laptop

Window: It's used mostly in desktops, laptops, server.

Package/Software extension:

Linux: Linux support .rpm

Window: Windows support .exe and .msi

Boot loader:

Linux: Linux bootloader name is GRUB.

Window: Windows bootloader name is MBR.

Flabour of operating system:

Linux: Ubuntu, Suse, Redhat, Debian, Mix, Arch Linux etc.

Window: Window server 2003,2008,2012, Window Vista, Window 7, Window XP, Window 10 etc.


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