Most useful basic Linux/Centos command
Today we will see in this post that basic command in Linux/Centos. It's very easy to create, change, modify and delete files and directory. Please read full articles if you face any problem regarding this articles so please leave comments or drop email within 24 hours you will get reply by our team.
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Please follow all command of linux:
To create a directory(dir):
[root@localhost ONS]# mkdir ram
To enter in any directory:
[root@localhost ONS]# cd ram
To come out from directory:
[root@localhost ONS]# cd ..
To come in top level directory from any directory:
[root@localhost ONS]# cd /
To check the current working directory:
[root@localhost ONS]# pwd
To clear the screen:
[root@localhost ONS]# clear
To check the list of files and directory:
[root@localhost ONS]# ls
To check the list of files and directory permission:
[root@localhost ONS]# ls -l
To delete a blank directory:
[root@localhost ONS]# rmdir ram
To remove directory with his subdirectory:
[root@localhost ONS]# rm -r ram
To check the terminal:
[root@localhost ONS]# tty
To check how many users login on computer:
[root@localhost ONS]# who
To check currently login user on your prompt:
[root@localhost ONS]# whoami
To Eject the CD/ROM and DVD/ROM:
[root@localhost ONS]# eject
To insert the CD/ROM and DVD/ROM:
[root@localhost ONS]# eject -t
To mount the CD/ROM and DVD/ROM:
[root@localhost ONS]# mount /dev/dvdrom /mnt
To dismount the CD/ROM and DVD/ROM:
[root@localhost ONS]# unmount /dev/dvdrom /mnt
Hope this will help to all of you and resolved your all query if you have any query or question so you may ask on email our email account ( or leave comment on page.
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