How to configure email notification on WSUS Server


How to configure email notification on WSUS Server

In this article we will see that how to configure WSUS update email notification on window server 2012. It is very important feature of Microsoft window server 2012 whenever any new update will be Synchronized complete then it will send a email notification.

Please follow step by step which help to configure wsus update email notification on window server 2012.

Step 1: Go to Option > Click on E-mail Notifications >  on the General tab fill up all require details as mentioned below screenshot. 

Check mark on Send e-mail notification when new updates are synchronized

Check mark on Send status reports
Frequency: Daily (Select dropdown as per your requirement)
Send reports at: xx:xx:xx AM

Step 2: Click on E-mail Server tab > 

Server Information:
Outgoing email server (SMTP): ( change it and put SMTP Relay Server IP address:  for more information see below all step)
Port number: 587 

Sender Information:
Sender name: WSUS Server Update
E-mail address:

Logon Information:
Check mark on My SMTP server requires authentication:
User name:
Password: xxxxxxxxxxx

 Then click on apply and sent test mail so click on Test after that you will see screenshot error as mentioned below.

For this error you will have to set up SMTP Relay on same server or another server so we move on next step, how to configure SMTP Server on Window server 2012.

Step 1: Go to Add role and features > Next > Next > Next > In the feature you have to check mark on SMTP Server > Next >Install > Finish.

Step 2: Go to Tool > Click on Internet information Services (IIS) 6.0 Manager

Step 3: Click on SMTP Virtual Server > Properties 

Step 4: Click on Access Tab > click on Relay 

Step 5: Click on ADD

Step 6: Assign IP address of SMTP Relay Server ( > Ok

Step 7: Click on OK

Step 8: Click on Delivery Tab > Click on Outbound Security

Step 9: Check mark on Basic authentication > 
            User name:
             Password:  xxxxxxxxx

Check mark on TLS encryption > Click on Ok.

Step 10: Click on Outbound connections > Change TCP ports into 587 > then click on Ok.

Step 11: Click on Advanced 

Step 12: Put Smart host: > click on Ok > then click on Apply > Ok.

Step 13: Now you have to restart SMTP services then send test mail from WSUS Server for email notification.

  • Note: In the Email Server tab you have to put SMTP Relay Server IP Address instead of because Microsoft doesn't authenticate directly from gmail smtp server that's why it use always smtp relay server for notification.

Thanks to follow these steps and hope these steps resolve your query. if still you are facing any issue.Please leave comment and drop email ( on our official email account. 

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Thanks to all of you once again.


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